What Does It Mean When a Girl Avoids a Question? 7 Possible Meanings!

Having conversations with someone we like is something we all look forward to. But, sometimes they may avoid our questions and make us feel bad.

It can be frustrating when you’re having a conversation with a girl you like and she avoids your questions. If you’ve ever found yourself in such situations, you’re not alone.

There are many reasons why girls will avoid a question. Maybe they don’t have an answer or they’re feeling insecure.

Perhaps they don’t trust you yet, or they’re playing games. Whatever the reason, it’s important you know what to do in these situations.

In this article, I’ll discuss the possible reasons a girl would avoid your questions and what you can do. Ultimately, you’d know if ignoring a question is rude.

7 Possible Meanings When a Girl Avoids a Question 

There are plenty of questions girls avoid. It could be questions as simple as, “how are you?” or “how did your day go?”

Also, it could be something more personal or out of place, like, “is there any man in your life?” or “when did you last get laid?”

Girls avoid questions for a variety of reasons which sound reasonable or may not even make sense. It could be that she’s insecure, or doesn’t trust you yet.

Also, she may feel you’re taking things too fast or you’re asking the wrong questions.

However, she might be playing games, which so many guys are trying hard to understand what it means.

Below, I’ll be helping you to figure out what it means when a girl avoids your questions.

Here are 7 possible meanings.

She Feels Insecure

Insecurity is one of the feelings that creep into new relationships. When two people are getting to know each other, one of the parties or even both parties may tend to feel insecure.

This feeling may be triggered by past relationships or by the circumstances surrounding the new relationship.

If you’re just meeting this girl and she avoids some of your questions, then one of the reasons is that she feels insecure about you and the new step she’s taking.

Yes, she likes you, and she likes what you both share, but she’s afraid that taking the next step may bring everything down.

So, she tends to avoid certain questions that seem to define the relationship better or seem to push it further.

As I’ve earlier established, the reason could be because of her past relationships where she has been disappointed or has faced very serious problems.

What Does It Mean When a Girl Avoids a Question

She Doesn’t Trust You

Lack of trust is another emotion that usually accompanies new relationships. If you’ve just met a girl and she ignores some of your questions, then it could be that she doesn’t trust you yet.

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Don’t feel hurt yet when you notice this. You may like her very much and expect her to feel the same way but don’t be too fast to conclude she doesn’t when she shows some lack of trust.

Since you’re just getting to know each other, it’s natural for girls to be wary and tread carefully. Especially, if she’s just coming out of a relationship, she is very unlikely to trust a new person quickly.

Moreover, trust is earned, and if you give her reasons to, with time you’ll gain her trust. However, her lack of trust may be due to some external factors.

So, when she avoids your questions, she likely hasn’t trusted you yet.

You Are Asking the Wrong Questions

Another cogent reason why a girl avoids your questions is that you’re asking the wrong questions.

Sometimes the problem could be you. So, before concluding about why she isn’t answering your question, ask yourself the kind of question you’re asking her.

Girls often take offense when you ask them questions you’re not meant to ask them, and they ignore it.

Is the question obscene? Is it sensual? Is it very personal? Is it out of place or in context? While some girls may not take offense at any or some, some girls may take offense at any of them.

So, you should understand the kind of girl you’re into before asking certain questions.

She Isn’t Interested In You

Another salient reason why a girl avoids your questions is that she isn’t interested in you.

If you’re showing interest in a girl and she doesn’t give you the same energy, then she doesn’t like you. Some of the signs she’d show are ignoring some of your questions.

She may change topic whenever you bring up certain conversations, or may not give a direct answer.

So, if a girl avoids your questions, especially one that has to do with the relationship with her, then it’s likely she doesn’t like you.

What Does It Mean When a Girl Avoids a Question

You Are Taking Things too Fast

Another reason a girl would avoid your question is if she feels you’re taking things too fast.

If a girl you’re getting to know feels you’re moving too fast, or the relationship is moving faster than she can control, she may withdraw to slow things down. And one of the things she might do is avoid some questions.

Check it, did she just start becoming reserved? Do you think she’s avoiding questions she naturally would’ve answered before? Is she no longer asking you questions?

If all these are positive, then it’s likely she feels things are moving too fast and she wants to slow it down.

She Is Playing Games 

Girls are fond of playing games, playing hard to get and all. One of the reasons a girl would avoid your questions is if she is playing games with you.

She may have an interest in you, but she might avoid some of your questions to increase your curiosity about her. She might want to leave you in suspense to make you want her more.

Also, she might want to see how far you’re willing to seek her out.

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However, she might not have any interest in you and might be teasing you for reasons we may not have words for.

Girls sometimes are mysterious and we may not be able to explain why she decides to tease you by avoiding your questions even when she has no interest in you.

She Is Hiding Something from You 

Another salient reason a girl would avoid your questions is to keep something from you. Whether you’re just meeting her, she’s your friend or you’re dating, girls may avoid your question because they don’t want to tell you about something.

If it’s someone you’ve known for some time and it’s something she’s doing for the first time, then it’s likely she’s keeping something from you.

Also, if you’re sure your question is appropriate and she isn’t shy, then it’s likely she doesn’t want to tell you about something.

What Do You Do When a Girl Avoids Your Question?

When a girl avoids your questions, it can be disheartening and leaves you feeling unwanted. However, before you jump to a conclusion you must understand why she may be avoiding your questions.

So, first, you should think about why she’s avoiding your question. Also, consider rephrasing your question if you think you asked it wrongly. You should also talk to her about it and exercise patience if she shows insecurity and a lack of trust.

However, you should consider staying away from her if she’s not interested in you or if she’s hiding something important from you.

Think About Why She Is Avoiding Your Question 

What Does It Mean When a Girl Avoids a Question

If a girl is avoiding your question, first, you should think about why she’s avoiding your question.

The first thing to ponder is whether you’re asking the right question or if you’re asking wrongly. You may be asking a question she doesn’t like.

As I’ve earlier established, not every girl will be comfortable with very personal or intimate questions. Also, you may not be asking the questions the right way.

Also, consider if she’s shy or insecure or doesn’t trust you yet. You should also check for signs that she likes you. In addition, do you think you’re taking things too fast?

These are some of the things you should consider before you jump to a conclusion about why a girl isn’t answering your question.

Rephrase Your Question 

The next thing you should do is rephrase your question if you think you asked wrongly. If you’re sure you’re asking the right question but perhaps the wrong way, then you should rephrase your question.

For example, consider saying, “what’s your view on feminism?” rather than, “are you a feminist?”

So, these things are important to get a free-flow conversation with a lady.

However, if you’re asking the wrong question, rephrasing wouldn’t help.

Talk to Her About It

Another important step you should take when a lady avoids your questions is to talk to her about it. If it’s a question you think isn’t very important, you may let it pass.

However, if it’s an important question, you should let her be for that day and talk to her about it some other time.

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Also, If it’s something she does frequently, you must talk to her about it and ask her why she avoids your questions.

Sit her down and calmly ask her why she doesn’t answer some of your questions. If you think she’s insecure, talk to her about her fears, ask about her last relationship, and get her to tell you if she’s interested in you or not.

However, you should do this calmly and try not to force her if she’s unwilling to open up about her fears or past relationships.

What Does It Mean When a Girl Avoids a Question

Be Patient with Her

Another important thing you should do when a girl avoids your question is to exercise patience with her.

If you’ve seen that she’s insecure or yet to trust you or doesn’t even like you, it’s proper that you be patient with her.

It’ll be difficult for a girl coming from a difficult relationship to trust easily. So, while exercising patience, ensure to always be there for her, and with time you’ll earn her trust and she’ll do away with her fears.

If she doesn’t like you, she may grow to like you if you’re patient enough to wait.

Consider Staying Away from Her

If you’ve exercised patience and you’re sure she doesn’t like you, you should consider staying away from her.

You can’t keep waiting on a girl forever. So, if you’re sure she’s only playing games with you or she has no interest in you, you may have to move on with your life.

Also, if she’s a friend or someone you’ve known for a good time, and she’s keeping something important from you that you think you should know, you should consider cutting ties.

Probably she’s conniving with another person to bring you down. For something as important as this, you’ll have to stay away from such a person when you find out.

Is Ignoring a Question Rude?

Ignoring a question is rude if you ignore it with silence. We all know you don’t have to answer every question thrown at you.

Sometimes you may not even know the answer, or sometime you may not feel like talking. What about when the person asks the wrong questions? or when they ask rudely? What happens when you feel you don’t owe them an answer?

There are polite ways to handle these situations.

If you don’t have an answer to a question or you don’t want to answer, it won’t be rude when you relate it to them or try to change the topic politely.

You could tell them you don’t have the answer, tell them you don’t like the question, and even let them know you don’t want to answer.

However, what is considered rude is when you outrightly ignore their question or ignore the person speaking to you.

And well, there’s no harm when you ignore them when they ask rudely.

Wrap Up

There are different reasons a girl would avoid your questions. If she’s insecure or yet to trust you or thinks you’re moving too fast, these are good enough reasons why she’ll avoid your questions.

Also, she may not have any interest in you or may be playing games, or you may be asking the wrong questions.

Whatever the reasons, it’s important you know what to do in such situations.

First, understand why she’s avoiding your question and try to rephrase if you’re asking wrongly. Also, talk to her about it and give her time if she’s insecure or yet to trust or like you.

However, consider staying away from her if she doesn’t like you or is keeping something from you that may harm you.

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