What Does It Mean When Your Crush Follows You Around? 6 Possible Meanings!

Your crush is simply monitoring you to find out if there is someone else you are having an affair with. Your crush likes you, but he is not sure if there is someone else you are into.

He would think the best way to find out if you are seeing someone else is to follow you around, sometimes it can get annoying when someone follows you around, especially when it gets too much.

When a guy follows you around, why do you think he does that? There are meanings you can derive, here are five possible meanings to when your crush follows you around.

6 Possible Meanings When Your Crush Follows You Around

  1. He is only monitoring you
  2. He is stalking you
  3. He does not trust you fully
  4. He is sending signals that he likes you
  5. He is obsessed with you
  6. He is trying to be protective over you

He is only monitoring you

What Does It Mean When Your Crush Follows You Around

If your crush is following you around, it shows he is just monitoring you. Perhaps, you both just got to know each other, and he is not sure if you have someone or if you are into someone already.

Since he does not know you too well and he is not sure where you go daily, he would resort to following you around as his way of monitoring you to know where you go daily.

He would not only monitor you, but he would also take note of those you spend time with and those you have around you. That way, he would be able to tell who your friends are and who you spend time with.

He is stalking you

What Does It Mean When Your Crush Follows You Around

When he likes you but he does not want to tell you about it yet. Since he does not want to tell you about it yet, he would have to resort to what he knows how to do without you knowing, he would follow you around trying to make it obvious that he likes you.

Because this guy uncontrollably likes you, he would not be able to help but stalk you when he sees you, he would follow you around to find out exactly what you are doing and to also know those you spend time with, also, to confirm if you are seeing any other person.

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You both have not had a proper conversation yet, so he may not if you are seeing someone because he has not asked you and you both have not talked about it yet.

He feels the only way to find out is to stalk you. He may not be able to get facts if he does not ask you direct questions to find out the actual truth.

He does not trust you fully

He is following you around because he does not trust you. You must have told him that you are not seeing anyone yet, but he does not trust that.

Because of this issue of trust, he would resort to following you around to see if what you told him was the truth.

He could be the one with trust issues. People with trust issues tend to not believe what you tell them, only if they see a confirmation that what you are telling them is the truth.

If you notice he is the one with trust issues, that is the major reason why he follows you around. Are you comfortable with someone following you around because he does not trust you?

If not, then you should rather be with someone that trusts you and does not need to follow you around to confirm who you are always with.

He is sending signals that he likes you

That could be his way of sending signals that he likes you. When someone follows you around, it tends to be creepy and you may not be comfortable with it. But to him, he sees it as a way of telling you that he likes you.

It may not be the best way to show that you like someone, it is more creepy than attractive. If she says she is not comfortable with it, you need to stop.

He is obsessed with you

He likes you so much that he is not obsessed with you and he feels like he cannot do without you. When he is obsessed with you, he tends to behave weirdly. Because of this, he finds it difficult to focus, he tends to think about you too frequently.

When he sees you he would not be able to resist following you around. Because of how obsessed he is with you.

If you notice that he is truly obsessed with you and he follows you around, let him know if you are not comfortable with it, ask him why he does that in the first place.

He is being protective over you

This is applicable if the guy in question is your elder brother or even husband. Guys tend to be overprotective when they are around people they hold in high esteem and people they value so much.

This could be the reason why he follows you around. He is secretly trying to protect you to ensure that you do not get hurt or to protect you if you get into danger.

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4 Things To Do When Your Crush Follows You?

  1. Tell them when to stop
  2. Ask him why he does that
  3. Ask him if he needs professional help
  4. Confirm if he is following you or going the same way as you

Tell him when to stop

Usually, when someone does something you do not like, the best approach is to tell the person about it to let him know you do not like it.

If you are not comfortable with him following you around, ensure you let him know. Do not assume he knows that you are not comfortable with it.

Even if you are giving off signs that you are not comfortable with him following you around, that is not enough.

Especially when he is not reading the signs. When you notice he is not reading the signals you are giving, you should tell him directly that you are not comfortable with him following you around and he needs to stop.

Ask him why he does that

People have a reason for why they do what they do. When he is following you around, he may have his reasons which you may not be aware of.

In a situation like this, you need to ask him directly if there is a particular reason why he follows you around.

When you ask him, you would get a reply. If he is doing it because he likes you, he would let you know in his reply. This is one major reason why you need to ask questions to know exactly why he does that.

If he does it excessively and you are no longer comfortable with it, simply let him know that you are not comfortable with it and that you would appreciate it if he does not do it anymore.

Ask him if he needs professional help

It may seem abnormal when someone follows you around, even if it is someone that likes you, it still does not sit right if the person follows you around to almost every place you go.

In a situation like this where you notice that he is getting obsessed over you and there is no visible sign that he wants to stop following you around even after you have told him to stop, you can ask him if he needs professional help.

If he admits that he cannot handle his obsession over you, then he should go seek professional help.

If he seeks the help of a professional, he would be a step closer to becoming better. Most times, when someone has not admitted that he needs help, it may be difficult for him to get help.

He needs to first admit that he needs help, that way, it would be easy for him to get better when help comes.

Confirm if he is following you or going the same way as you

Maybe he is just going the same way as you are and it appears as though he is following you around.

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Sometimes, coincidence can happen, the particular guy could be going the same way as you and when you turn back, it would be as though he is following you around.

To confirm if he is following you for real or if he is just going the same way as you, simply change your route, if he keeps on going the same way then it is obvious he was only going the same way as you.

However, if he stops and changes his route, then it is a sign that he was following you.

How To Stop Someone From Following You Around

  1. Get security
  2. Tell him there would be consequences if he does not stop
  3. Get a cab or use another route

Get security

If you have told him directly to stop following you around and he does not listen, you may have to get security. You may have to report to your local police that a particular guy keeps following you and you are not comfortable with it.

That way you would rest assured that you have told the police and they would also pay close attention to the guy. You should only get security when he is not planning to stop following you around.

Tell him that the police are aware and should in case he inflicts any harm on you, the police would hold him responsible.

Tell him there would be consequences if he does not  stop

This way, he would be aware that there would be consequences if he does not stop following you around. You have told him several times to stop but there seems to be no signs of him stopping.

If he continues this way, let him know that there are consequences if he does not stop and you are not going to take it easy with him if he does not stop. Following you around is creepy and it is also suspicious.

You have no idea if he has bad intentions towards you. Once he is aware that the authorities are aware and that there are consequences if he does not stop following you, he would adjust.

Get a cab or use another route

When you are walking and you notice that he is still following you around, to stop him from following you around, you can get a cab or take a bus to ensure that he does not know where you are going or so that you both go your separate ways.

If you do not want to take a cab or a bus, you can change your route. Instead of your usual route, you can make use of another route so that he is not able to track you or even know where you are headed.

This is one way you can stop him from following you around.

Final Words

When your crush is following you around it is a sign that he is obsessed with you and most likely doing it because he finds it difficult to get things done and he cannot do it without having you in mind.

Like I have mentioned earlier in this article, it can get creepy when your crush follows you around.

If you are not comfortable with him following you around, simply let him know. If he respects your decision, he will stop the moment you let him know that you are not comfortable with how he follows you around.

If all efforts to tell him to stop following you around seem not to be working, you may have to go the extra mile to get the local police involved.

That way, they would keep an eye on him should he have any bad intentions toward you.

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