What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Naughty? 5 Possible Meanings!

When a guy thinks you are disobedient, the first thing that comes to his mind is that you are naughty. When a guy calls you naughty he thinks you are a disobedient girl.

It could be that there are many situations where he told you to do something for him and you rejected it or you refused to do what he asked, probably because you are not comfortable doing it or you do not want to.

Most times, when a guy notices you do not always do what you are told, he can refer to you as naughty. He can also call you naughty if he finds you attractive but does not want to tell you directly.

It could be this guy likes ladies that are naughty. If you are not the way he thinks you are then you can let him know in your reply that you are not naughty.  Here are various meanings to when a guy calls you naughty.

5 Possible Meanings When A Guy Calls You Naughty

  1. He thinks you are disobedient
  2. He finds you amusing
  3. He thinks you have a bad behavior
  4. He finds you enchanting
  5. You constantly use vulgar

He thinks you are disobedient

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Naughty

This is one major reason why a guy would call you naughty. If there is something he told you to help him do and you refused, he would not hesitate to refer to you as naughty. This is one major reason why he would call you naughty.

He called you naughty to show his displeasure that you were not able to do his bidding. He most likely wanted you to know that what you did was quite naughty.

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This is one major reason why a guy would call you naughty. To him, he feels a stubborn girl is a naughty girl. If you refuse to do something or you offended this type of guy, he would not hesitate to call you naughty.

He finds you amusing

This situation is true for guys that like naughty girls. He feels naughty girls are more challenging and they are not the type of girl that does everything you say without question.

A guy that likes challenging or naughty girls would find you amusing. Maybe he just likes you.

If you notice how he acts when he is around you, you would be able to tell if he finds you amusing or not. That could be the reason why he called you naughty.

He thinks you have a bad behavior

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Naughty

Some guys think you are naughty if you have bad behavior. If you have stayed around him for a while and you did a couple of things that he did not like, he would tell you that you are naughty. This is his way of letting you know that you have bad behavior.

He may not tell you directly that you have a bad behavior because he is not sure how you would react, he may tell you that you are naughty instead. If truly you have bad behavior, you should try to do something about it.

He finds you enchanting

He would find you enchanting only if he likes naughty girls. If you display some naughty attitude especially when you are around him and he likes the way you behave, he would call you a naughty girl.

Since he finds naughty girls enchanting, he may tell you directly that he finds you enchanting because of how naughty you behave when you are around him.

When he tells you that you are naughty, know that he simply finds you enchanting, he does not mean you have a bad character, you just have a way to enchant him with your naughtiness.

You constantly use vulgar

If you constantly use vulgar words, he would refer to you as naughty. It may not be your fault, it could be your upbringing and most likely where you live.

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If he wants you to do something about your use of vulgar words, he would let you know that.

One of the major reasons he calls you naughty is your use of vulgarity, if he came from a place where vulgar is not widely used, he would find it offensive.

Maybe you need to watch your use of language when you are around him, do not use vulgar words when you are around him. That way, you would not have to piss him off.

What To Say When A Guy Calls You Naughty

  1. Ask him what he means by ‘naughty’
  2. Tell him to stop if you are not comfortable with it
  3. Ask him if he likes naughty girls
  4. Well, are you any better?
  5. I am a good girl, if you want me to be naughty then you have lots of work to do
  6. What have I done that warranted the tag?

Ask him what he means by ‘naughty’

When a guy calls you naughty, you may not know why he did that. That is why you need to ask him why he calls you naughty.

When you ask him why and he tells you the reason you would be able to understand from his perspective why he called you naughty.

If after he tells you why he called you naughty and you are not ok with the fact that he called you naughty, you can let him know. I will elaborate in the next reply.

Tell him to stop if you are not comfortable with it

Usually, when someone does something you do not like, the best thing to do is to let the person know in your reply that you are not comfortable with it. That way, the person would understand that you are not comfortable with it.

Now that he is aware of it, he would not call you that anymore. This is the best way to go about it, when someone does something you do not like or that you are not comfortable with, the best thing to do is to let the person know calmly that you are not comfortable with it.

This way, he would respect your decision and he would not call you naughty anymore.

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Ask him if he likes naughty girls

Maybe this guy called you naughty because he likes naughty girls. In your reply, ask him if he likes naughty girls, it may just be his way of telling him that he likes you.

If he likes you and likes that you behave in a naughty way, when you ask him if he likes naughty girls, he would tell you in his reply.

You can use this reply if the guy constantly tells you too frequently that you are naughty. The fact that he tells you often that you are naughty shows that there is something about naughty girls that he likes.

He may not tell you directly that he likes naughty girls, but if you ask, he would tell you.

Well, are you any better?

If he told you that you are naughty because you do not have good habits or that you have bad character, then you can use this reply.

Ask him if he is any better. If he is any better than you are, you would know from his reply.

People tend to be judgemental at times, it is in situations like this that you should use this reply.

When you use this reply, it would pass a message to the person that you do not like that he called you naughty. Maybe he is not any better.

I am a good girl, if you want me to be naughty then you have lots of work to do

Use this reply if he is calling you a naughty girl to try to figure out if you are naughty. If he likes you or if he likes it when girls are naughty, then tell him that you are a good girl, and if he wants you to be naughty just the way he likes his girls to be, then he has a lot of work to do.

If not, then he should leave you to be the good girl that you are and that you want to be.

What have I done that warranted the tag?

This is a way of asking him what exactly you did that made him call you naughty. Of course, one has to do something before you call the person naughty. That is the same situation here.

If you have done anything that made him call you naughty, he should let you know. In situations like this, it is best you ask.

Final Words

A guy would call you naughty if you are disobedient, but some guys naturally like girls that are naughty because he thinks they are more attractive or he finds them amusing.

If a guy calls you naughty you can ask him why he did that, perhaps there was something you said or did that made him call you naughty. He would let you know when you ask.

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