What Does It Mean If A Girl Takes Ages To Reply

When a girl takes ages to reply it simply means that she is busy or occupied with something. Do not always think that she is ignoring you on purpose except you are sure that she is.

Some are not just interested in you at all. If she is not interested in you, you may not need to push too hard.

Some are also playing hard to get, those would not be able to play hard to get for so long, if she likes you. There are other reasons why she could be taking ages to reply. Here are five possible meanings why she is taking ages to reply to you.

5 Possible Meanings Of When A Girl Takes Ages To Reply

  1. She is not interested in you
  2. She is playing hard to get
  3. She is busy with something
  4. She does not want to seem desperate
  5. She is an introvert and dislikes social interaction

She is not interested in you

What Does It Mean If A Girl Takes Ages To Reply

This is a common reason why she would take ages to reply to you. It is a different thing if she is interested in you and she is intentionally taking ages to reply. If she is not interested in you she would take ages to reply to you.

You need to watch out for possible signs that she is not interested in you. If she takes ages to reply to you but she is texting someone else, then you would know that she has her eyes on someone else and she is not interested in you.

When you discover she is not interested in you, you may not need to waste your time trying to get her attention. You may have to let her be, she is giving off signs, do not stress.

She is playing hard to get

What Does It Mean If A Girl Takes Ages To Reply

This is another reason why she is taking ages to reply to you. It is possible she likes you but she is intentionally playing hard to get, probably because she doesn’t want it to seem like she is cheap or easy to get.

If she is giving off signs that she likes you but still takes ages to reply to you, you may need to give her time, when she is done playing hard to get she would give you her full attention. If she likes you enough and she wants to be with you, she would not play hard to get for so long.

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If she is playing hard to get, you do not necessarily need to get upset that she is taking ages to reply to you, just keep it cool, with time she will open up to you and you both will have a better conversation, you will notice that when she opens up to you, she would begin to reply you swiftly.

She is busy with something

What Does It Mean If A Girl Takes Ages To Reply

If she is a working-class lady, do not expect her to chat with you all the time or even reply to you immediately. A working-class lady would most likely be at work for the major part of the day. There is a possibility that she would not always be with her phone while she is at work.

Depending on the nature of her work, if she replies mostly at night, then you would understand that she could be at work during the day and she has spare time at night where she can text and reply to your message swiftly.

If she has explained to you that she is usually at work during the day and she may not be able to reply to your message immediately, then you should understand that she is busy.

However, if she creates time to reply even while she is at work, she still wants to talk to you although she is busy at work. If this is the case, you should be able to understand, do not get upset with her.

She does not want to seem desperate

This is common in girls that like you but they do not want to make it seem obvious that they like you, or they do not want to show signs that they like you because they do not want to seem desperate.

She would go ahead to delay responses because she wants you to do the chasing so that it does not seem like she is desperate.

This is something you will notice in a girl that likes you but still wants you to do a little chasing before you both become friends.

She is an introvert and dislikes social interaction

If she is someone who does not like social interaction or you notice that she is an introvert, do not be surprised that she takes ages to reply to you. She could be someone who doesn’t like texting or finds it exhausting.

In a situation like this, you need to talk about it, she may prefer to see you personally so that you both can have a conversation.

Do this if you notice that she barely replies to her chats because she does not like the idea of always having to text all the time. After spending some time with her, I should be able to tell if she is an introverted person or if she is socially awkward.

If she is, then you should understand why she takes ages to reply to you when you text her. She probably has a ton of unread chats.

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5 Things To Do When She Takes Too Long To Reply

When she takes too long to reply to you, do you do the same, or do you act cool and ask her why she took so long to reply?

It depends on how close you both are and how long you have known each other. If it is unlike her, then you may need to ask why she is taking too long to reply to you.

However, if you just got to know her and you both recently started texting and she takes too long to reply, do not be too quick to judge, give her some time, maybe she is just getting to know you.

Here are five things you can do if she is taking too long to reply to you.

  1. Play cool and ask why she took that long
  2. Speak your mind, if it persists
  3. Define your friendship with her
  4. Give her some distance
  5. Meet up with her

Play cool and ask why she took that long

You should play it cool and ask why she took so long to reply to you. You should do this if you both just got to know each other, she could be taking a long time to reply to you because she is just getting to know you.

You can ask her why she took so long to reply to you. If she tells you she only got to know you and she would like to know the kind of person you are before she starts to text you, then that is understandable.

Speak your mind, if it persists

You should do this if you have known her for a while and she takes too long to reply to you, which is unlike her. If it persists, tell her that you did not expect that from her and she was not like that before.

Speak your mind, if she is sorry about it, she would apologize. If there was a reason why she did that, she would let you know. That way, you would understand that it was not intentional.

Define your friendship with her

If she starts to take so long to reply to you, then it is high time you defined your friendship with her. You need to know exactly where she stands and if you should be worried about the fact that she takes too long to reply.

After defining your friendship with her, you should be able to tell if you need to worry about her late response or not. You may not need to.

Give her some distance

If she takes too long to reply and you notice that it has persisted for too long, you may need to give her some distance.

When she takes too long to reply to you and she does it on purpose, then you should know that she probably wants to give you some space.

You may not need to stress trying to keep up with her, give her some distance. When she takes too long to reply to you, she may just be telling you indirectly that she does not want to have anything to do with you.

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Meet up with her

If you discover that she is the type that prefers to meet physically with someone to chat and connect on a deeper level, then you need to stop trying to chat with her all day, you can simply tell her that you would love it if you both can meet at a place. That way, you both would be able to connect better when you meet.

If you tried this and it worked with her, then you may need to do it often. That way, you both would get closer and you both could become closer friends.

How Long Should A Girl Take Before She Replies

It is ideal to wait for 24 hours for a girl to reply to you. If she takes more than 24 hours to reply to you, it could mean that she is busy. Someone who wants to create time to text you will reply to you faster.

If she truly values your time she would tell you when she is busy and when she would be able to reply to your message. If she is not busy, it should take her five minutes to reply to you.

If she is not busy and she is online while you text her and she takes so long to reply to you, it could mean that she is avoiding you or probably does not want to talk to you.

How Do You Make A Girl Respond Faster?

There could be a girl you like and you want her to reply to you faster when you text her, you need to devise means to get her to respond faster. In this segment of this article, I will explain how you can make a girl respond faster.

  1. Be an interesting person
  2. Do not overwhelm her with messages
  3. Talk about something she likes

Be an interesting person

This is the first thing you need to do if you want her to reply to you fast. You need to be an interesting person while you both chat.

Do not spend the whole time talking about yourself or how amazing you are. People like to talk about themselves too, give room for her to talk about herself and you would see how she would respond faster.

Do not overwhelm her with messages

Overwhelming a lady with messages would make her lose interest in you easily. Texting her all day without giving her breathing space would make her not reply to you fast. Instead, do the opposite.

Do not overwhelm her with messages, chat with her when necessary and if there is nothing to talk about do not try to bring up something, she would be less interested.

Talk about something she likes

If you want to pique her interest, you should talk about something she likes. That way, it would be difficult for her to ignore you. She knows that you would definitely talk about something that will pique her interest, and she would be in a hurry to reply to your messages.

Final Words

When next you text a girl and it takes ages to reply, you should not be quick to conclude, it doesn’t always mean that she is ignoring you.

It could also mean that she is busy with something and she will reply to you when she has access to her phone.

If she intentionally takes ages to reply to you, it could mean that she is not interested in you and wants to give you enough space for you to figure it out yourself that she is not interested.

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