25 Things To Say When Someone Calls You Baddie

We’ve all been there – someone calls you a baddie, implying that you’re rude, aggressive, or ill-mannered. But take heart! You’re likely just an independent soul living life your own way.

Although hurtful, such misguided name-calling presents an opportunity: to respond with wit, grace, and eloquence. Rise above the narrow label with a thoughtful retort that leaves the label-thrower speechless.

This article contains 25 things to say when someone unjustly calls you a baddie. From sassy responses like, Guilty as charged., or comebacks like Takes one to know one., Or channel your inner diva and say, Darling, I’m a star, deal with it. (with an air kiss). However you choose to react, these responses will help you emerge from the exchange feeling confident and self-assured.

With these thoughtful comebacks in your arsenal, no negative labeling will ever truly stick or define you. Read on to learn more.

25 Things To Say When Someone Calls You Baddie 

Everyone enjoys being called creative names once in a while but being labeled a baddie may not always warrant a positive response.

While some may embrace the title, others may wish to deflect it in a light-hearted or witty manner. When faced with this situation, we’ll be looking at the following 25 things to say to being called baddie:

  • Guilty as charged
  • Takes one to know one
  • Darling, I’m a star, deal with it
  • Well, behave yourself then.
  • I prefer the term rogue, renegade, or rebel actually
  • Baddie? I thought you said cutie. My bad!
  • Baddie? More like rad-die!
  • Baddie? Nah, I’m just misunderstood.
  • Only if you’re the goody-two-shoes
  • If being a baddie means not being basic, then sure
  • You’re only saying that because I won’t share my snacks
  • Careful, I may start corrupting your innocence
  • At least I don’t pretend to be good
  • Pot calling the kettle black?
  • You wish you were half as cool.
  • I’m only a ‘baddie’ in your imagination.
  • Thanks, I try my best to live up to my bad reputation.
  • Baddies never die, we just get better with time
  • You know what they say, ‘good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere
  • Being a baddie is just part of my charm
  • I’m not a baddie, I’m just ahead of the curve
  • If being a baddie means being confident and fierce, then I’ll take it
  • Being a baddie is just one of my many talents
  • If being a baddie means being too awesome for you to handle, then guilty as charged
  • I’m not a baddie, I’m just living my best life and not apologizing for it
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Guilty as charged

Responding with ‘guilty as charged’ shows that you’re essentially owing up to the fact that you embrace your badness.

It’s a way of acknowledging that you’re not ashamed of who you are, and that you’re not going to apologize for being a bit rebellious or unconventional. You’re confident in your own skin, and you’re not afraid to own your ‘bad’ side.

Takes one to know one

‘Takes one to know one’ is often used as a playful response when someone calls you a baddie.

It can be interpreted in a few different ways, but the basic idea is that the person calling you out must also have some ‘bad’ tendencies themselves in order to recognize them in you.

It’s a witty comeback that can be used to turn the tables on the person who made the initial comment.

Darling, I’m a star, deal with it

‘Darling, I’m a star, deal with it’ is a way of saying that you’re confident and comfortable with who you are and that their judgment isn’t going to bring you down.

You’re not going to apologize for being a bit of a rebel or for standing out from the crowd. Instead, you’re going to embrace your unique qualities and shine like the star that you are.

Well behave yourself then

‘Well behave yourself then’, can be interpreted in a few different ways, depending on the tone and context.

It can be a playful way of acknowledging that you do have a bit of a rebellious streak, but that you’re not going to let it get out of hand.

It can also be a way of telling the person who called you a baddie to mind their own business and not judge you based on appearances or assumptions.

Either way, it’s a witty and straightforward response that can defuse any tension or awkwardness.

I prefer the term rogue, renegade or rebel actually

‘I prefer the term rogue, renegade or rebel, actually’ is a way of reframing the conversation and reclaiming the language used to describe you.

It’s a subtle way of saying that you don’t necessarily see yourself as ‘bad’ or negative, but rather as someone who is bold, independent, and unafraid to go against the grain.

By using different terms to describe yourself, you’re asserting your own identity and rejecting any negative labels that others might try to apply to you.

Baddie? I thought you said cutie. My bad!

‘Baddie? I thought you said cutie. My bad’ is a playful and lighthearted response to being called a baddie. It can be used to diffuse any tension or awkwardness and to turn the conversation in a more positive direction.

By jokingly mishearing the comment and flipping it around, you’re showing that you don’t take yourself too seriously and that you’re able to find humor in the situation.

It’s a way of saying that you’re comfortable in your own skin and that you don’t need anyone else’s approval or validation to feel good about yourself.

Baddie? More like rad-die!

‘Baddie? More like rad-die!’ is a way of reframing the conversation and turning a potentially negative comment into a positive one.

By replacing the ‘bad’ connotation with a more positive one, you’re asserting your own identity and rejecting any negative labels that others might try to apply to you.

It’s a playful and witty response that can help you maintain your confidence and sense of humor in any situation.

Baddie? Nah, I’m just misunderstood

When someone calls you ‘baddie’, you can respond with ‘Baddie? Nah, I’m just misunderstood.’ This phrase implies that the person labeling you as a baddie doesn’t really know the true you.

It suggests that their perception of you is not accurate and that they are making assumptions based on a surface-level understanding of who you are.

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Only if you’re the goody-two-shoes

‘Only if you’re the goody-two-shoes flips the script on the person using the term, suggesting that they are the ones who are overly concerned with being ‘good’ and following the rules.

By implying that they are a ‘goody-two-shoes,’ you suggest that you’re not interested in conforming to their expectations. This response works well if you’re someone who values independence and nonconformity.

If being a baddie means not being basic, then sure

If someone calls you a baddie, and you’re proud of your unique style, you can respond with ‘If being a baddie means not being basic, then sure.’

This phrase suggests that you see being labeled as a baddie as a compliment, indicating that you don’t conform to societal norms and have your own unique sense of style.

By turning the term ‘baddie’ into a positive descriptor, you are reclaiming it and turning it into something that reflects your confidence and individuality.

You’re only saying that because I won’t share my snacks

‘You’re only saying that because I won’t share my snacks’ suggests that their use of the term is not based on any real understanding of your personality or behavior, but rather on a petty desire to get what they want.

By calling out their behavior, you are emphasizing that their use of the term is not based on any real character traits of yours.

Careful, I may start corrupting your innocence

If you’re feeling mischievous, you can respond with ‘Careful, I may start corrupting your innocence.’ This phrase suggests that you’re not afraid to embrace your ‘bad’ side, and may even enjoy leading others astray.

It also implies that the person using the term is innocent and needs to be careful around you. This response works well if you enjoy being a bit of a troublemaker and like to challenge others’ perceptions of you.

At least I don’t pretend to be good

Things To Say When Someone Calls You Baddie

At times, being called a baddie may make you defensive. In such a situation, you can respond with, ‘At least I don’t pretend to be good.’

This phrase implies that you’re not interested in playing by anyone else’s rules or trying to fit into a prescribed mold. You’re comfortable with who you are, flaws and all.

By emphasizing that you are authentic and true to yourself, you are asserting your own sense of self-worth and pushing back against anyone who would try to label you as something you’re not.

Pot calling the kettle black?

If you feel like they’re being hypocritical, you can respond with ‘Pot calling the kettle black?’ This phrase implies that the person using the term is guilty of the same thing they’re accusing you of, and that they shouldn’t be throwing stones when they live in a glass house.

By calling out their hypocrisy, you are challenging their use of the term and suggesting that they are not in a position to judge you.

You wish you were half as cool

If you’re feeling particularly confident, you can respond to being called a baddie with ‘You wish you were half as cool.’

This phrase suggests that the person using the term is envious of your style and personality and that you’re not interested in their opinion.

It’s a playful and confident way to brush off the term and assert your own sense of self-worth. By emphasizing that you are cooler than they could ever hope to be, you are putting them in their place and asserting your own dominance.

I’m only a ‘baddie’ in your imagination

‘I’m only a ‘baddie’ in your imagination’ is something you can say when someone calls you a baddie to indicate that being a baddie is subjective, and that person’s perception of you may not be accurate.

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It implies that you don’t see yourself in that way, and their perception of you as a baddie is not a reflection of who you are.

Thanks, I try my best to live up to my bad reputation

‘Thanks, I try my best to live up to my bad reputation’ is something you can say when someone calls you a baddie to acknowledge their comment with a bit of humor.

It implies that you’re aware of the reputation you may have and that you’re not ashamed of it.

Baddies never die, we just get better with time

‘Baddies never die, we just get better with time’ is something you can say when someone calls you a baddie to indicate that you see being a baddie as a positive thing.

It implies that you don’t see it as a label that can be shed or outgrown, but a characteristic that you will continually improve upon.

You know what they say, ‘good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere

‘You know what they say, ‘good girls go to heaven, bad girls go everywhere” is something you can say when someone calls you a baddie to indicate that you see being a baddie as a sign of independence and a willingness to break free from societal norms.

It implies that you’re proud of your rebellious nature and not afraid to take risks.

Being a baddie is just part of my charm

‘Being a baddie is just part of my charm’ is something you can say when someone calls you a baddie to indicate that you see being a baddie as a positive aspect of your personality.

It implies that you don’t see it as a negative label, but it’s rather a characteristic that adds to your charm and uniqueness.

I’m not a baddie, I’m just ahead of the curve

‘I’m not a baddie, I’m just ahead of the curve’ is something you can say when someone calls you a baddie to indicate that you see yourself as someone who’s innovative and ahead of the times.

It implies that you don’t see yourself as fitting into the traditional definition of a baddie, but you’re someone who’s pushing boundaries and breaking new ground.

If being a baddie means being confident and fierce, then I’ll take it

‘If being a baddie means being confident and fierce, then I’ll take it’ is something you can say when someone calls you a baddie to indicate that you see being a baddie as a positive thing.

It implies that you embrace and embody the qualities that define a baddie, and you’re not afraid to own it.

Being a baddie is just one of my many talents

‘Being a baddie is just one of my many talents’ is something you can say when someone calls you a baddie to indicate that you don’t see being a baddie as your defining characteristic.

It implies that you have many other qualities and talents that make up your personality, and being a baddie is just one aspect of who you are.

If being a baddie means being too awesome for you to handle, then guilty as charged

‘If being a baddie means being too awesome for you to handle, then guilty as charged’ is something you can say when someone calls you a baddie to indicate that you see being a baddie as a positive thing and that you’re proud of it.

It implies that you don’t see being a baddie as a negative label, but as a characteristic that makes you stand out from the crowd.

It also implies that the person who called you a baddie may not be able to handle your awesomeness, and that’s okay because you’re not going to change who you are to please them.’

I’m not a baddie, I’m just living my best life and not apologizing for it

‘I’m not a baddie, I’m just living my best life and not apologizing for it’  is something you can say when someone calls you a baddie to indicate that you don’t see yourself as fitting into any label or stereotype.

It implies that you’re living life on your terms, pursuing your passions, and not letting anyone else’s opinions or expectations define you.

Just Remember

Being called a baddie can say more about the person using the term than about you.

Focus on being your authentic self and finding people who appreciate that. And if someone feels the need to throw out an immature label, just laugh it off and throw one of these quips their way.

Do not waste time worrying about what narrow-minded people think. Lead your life and focus on what brings you joy.

Ultimately, labels used against you say more about the person using them than about you. So there is no need to get upset over someone else’s foolish behavior.

Simply continue living your life according to your values, label-callers and all. We are all just doing the best we can, so send love and understanding while staying grounded in your authentic self. That is what truly matters.

I hope this article helps you navigate such interactions. Thanks for reading.

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