What Does It Mean When A Girl Calls You A Lot? 6 Possible Meanings We Know!

It can be tricky to find out why a girl calls you a lot, there are so many reasons why a girl calls you a lot.

A lot would depend on how the girl interacts with you, her tone, her vibe, and how she reacts around you.

When a girl calls you a lot it could be because she likes you, wants you as a friend, or could be drawn to you.

This can also mean that she is keeping tabs on you or perhaps talkative, though her body gesture may betray her a little bit especially if she wants you to ask her out.

You can tell this by the way she wants to be better for you, stay tuned.

In this article, I would be talking about six possible meanings of why a girl calls you a lot.

6 Possible Meanings When A Girl Call You A Lot

  1. She likes you
  2. She wants you as a friend 
  3. She is drawn to you 
  4. She is keeping tabs on you
  5. She is a talkative 
  6. She wants you to ask her to be your girlfriend 

1. She Likes You

What Does It Mean When A Girl Calls You A Lot

When a girl likes you she would call you a lot, and this is because she doesn’t want to miss a chance to talk to you. 

This is one genuine reason why a girl calls you a lot. Most times girls are shy to approach a partner face to face, this is why they can resort to calling a lot.

So one way you can tell why a girl calls you a lot is because she likes you, other people may also be trying to get her attention but she would rather invest her time to call you.

This is a big sign that she likes you even without saying it.

If you are vigilant you would be able to gather cues to know if you like her enough to ask her out or reciprocate what she brings on board.

2. She Wants You As A Friend 

What Does It Mean When A Girl Calls You A Lot

Another reason a girl is calling you a lot is because she wants to be your friend.

Phone calls are one sure way to keep in touch with a friend, this could be another possible reason a girl calls you a lot.

Phone calls can be bugging especially when it comes in a lot, a friend is someone who knows that they are accepted into your life.

Hence been the reason for her calling you a lot. This is because she feels that the calls won’t offend or bother you since she considers you a friend.

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Frequent calls are a sign that she wants you to be her friend, knowing that they like you. Calling you a lot is also a sign that she likes you.

3. She Is Drawn To You

When a girl calls you a lot, it shows that she is drawn to you.

Calling you a lot could mean that they love the way you sound and are drawn to you.

Hearing your voice entails speaking to you and this may be a reason she calls you a lot.

A girl who is drawn to you would possess an intense reaction or action toward you, this happens because no word of mouth has been said yet but bodily reactions and actions can be used to notify that she is drawn to you.

Only when she is drawn to you would she call you a lot.

Feelings come to play a role here which makes her unaware of their persistent approach to someone.

But note that this is because she likes you and is drawn to you.

4. She Is Keeping Tabs On You

Keeping tabs on you is another reason why a girl calls you a lot, in most cases the reason a girl calls you a lot is because she wants to keep tabs on you by knowing what you are up to.

This is a reason for her calling a lot.

To keep tabs on you involves calling you a lot, if you notice she has a pattern of checking in to know or demands to know your itinerary all the time, this means that she is keeping tabs on you.

If she asks you questions like where did you go to, whom did you go and visit, asks you about the girl you took a picture with on social media, etc, all these indicate that she is keeping tabs on you.

5. She Is A Talkative 

Being talkative is a reason why she calls you a lot.

A talkative is a person who talks a lot, says things without really thinking it through or enjoys the involvement of talking or speaking to people.

Calling a lot involves speaking to you and this is because she wants to tell you what is on her mind or share an activity with you.

We all have that one chatty friend that tells us everything we need to know.

A chatty friend would normally call you up at the slightest of an eventful day, this could truly be a good friend that you can spend time with talking about things that matter or make you happy.

6. She Wants You To Ask Her To Be Your Girlfriend

She wants you to ask her to be your girlfriend, this is another reason why she talks to you a lot.

To ask someone out you have to be engaging at least to get their attention. This may be the reason she calls a lot.

She may be shy or lacks the courage to speak out on how she feels, this is why she calls a lot as the only way she can show that she wants you to notice her.

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Does she inquire if you have other girls? If she does then she wants you to ask her out.

A lot of calls show that she is comfortable with you and wants you to ask her out.

This is the reason why she calls you and wants to share with you her experiences during the day.

What To Do When She Calls You A Lot 

Stop Picking The Calls

There are different ways to mitigate a girl from calling you a lot, but one effective way to do that is to stop picking up her calls.

It lets her know that you do not want to be disturbed by a lot of calls.

When a girl calls and you don’t pick it tells her that you are trying to avoid her and her calls.

She automatically knows that you want to be left alone even without saying it out,

Ask Her What She Wants

One thing I know for sure is to ask her what she wants from you, this allows you to hear from the horse’s mouth without having to second guess what she wants from you.

Asking her what she wants is the best way to know her intentions without having to second guess.

Most people find it hard to say what they want especially when they are liking you.

By Asking her directly why she calls you a lot allows you to know where her head and mind lie.

If she fails to give a good reason as to why she is calling you then you should know that she doesn’t know what she wants and that attitude can surmount to something good or bad tomorrow but depending on the way you harness it.

Block Her

Blocking her is another good option to take if she calls you a lot, blocking allows you to put off or face away from unnecessary reach, it allows you to maximize your time well and even keep to yourself when you don’t want to be reached.

A lot of calls can be very bugging, this could lead to your phone overheating or battery getting low all the time.

So many calls can block other calls from coming in because it keeps your line busy especially if she keeps calling in a lot.

It is okay to put her number on a blocked list, this is you only protecting your space both mentally and physically.

It is your phone and you have the full rights to the calls you receive.

Call Her Back

Calling her back is another way you can reach out to her to know what she is up to.

From what she tells you then you can gather up information to know what she wants from you or you from her.

For most girls reaching out to a guy can be an upheaval task due to the way society stereotypes girls on that aspect.

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It would be a sweet gesture to rerun her calls if you can, calling her back would lead to conversations if you want to.

Tell Her To Reduce Her Frequency

Another thing you can do is to out rightly tell her to reduce her frequency of calling you.

Tell her that you are worried about the frequency at which she calls you. Letting her know how you feel would keep her excessive attitude toward calling you in check.

When you tell her to reduce her frequency it lets her know that she has crossed her boundaries with you.

Don’t see it as a bad thing by telling her to reduce the frequency at which she calls you.

What Does It Mean When A Girl Says Your Name A Lot

She Is Always Thinking About You

If a girl says your name a lot, this means that she likes you.

When a girl likes you, your thoughts occupy her mind, she’s eager to talk and this is why your name blurts out of her mouth.

This is because she is already infatuated by you even without you being very aware of the feelings that she has for you.

She Likes Your Name

She likes your name. This is why she says your name a lot. 

Names are used to identify people, especially if your name is a cool name to pronounce.

She calls your name a lot because she likes you and also your name.

Normally when a girl is in love with you, she would be more clingy or possessive of you.

These acts are what a girl does when she likes you, your name would always revolve around her mouth.

You Remind Her Of Someone

You may remind her of someone she has known before.

It could be in looks, appearance, or character.

A good friend can be mistaken for another person because people have shared abilities and traits.

Your features and that of the other person she knows may be similar in appearance, this could be the reason why she says your name a lot because you remind her of someone she knows from way before.

She Wants To Draw Your Attention

Saying your name a lot is because she wants your attention.

Your name is what draws your attention, she may be calling your name to get your attention to look at her, to call your name, or get you to know her.

This is because if she doesn’t say your name a lot you would not notice her at all. She does this to get you to know her and look at her.

Wrap Up

A girl calling you a lot could mean many things, it is wise to first know the reason why she is calling you a lot.

The first thing to do is to find out her motive for calling you a lot.

She can like you without you even noticing it and this is because she has not yet gotten your attention to her side.

This is one reason why she calls you a lot or maybe she is infatuated with you, likes to hear your voice, checks up on you, wants to gist with you, wants you to be her friend.

It is okay to either ignore her calls or pick up her calls depending on your mood or what you want. This is because you have every right to do so, so many calls can be bugging and exhausting, especially when you haven’t obliged to it yet.

You can also tell her to reduce the frequency at which she calls you if you don’t like it.

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