20 Best Responses When a Guy Calls You Sweetheart

A guy calls you “sweetheart” and you’re wondering how to respond. First, some guys are fond of calling the girls in their lives pet names, and “sweetheart” is one of these pet names.

But how do you respond to this pet name? Knowing what to say in response can be a tad difficult.

Moreover, your response may also be important to him, so you might’ve to consider what you say in response. However, that shouldn’t be a problem.

In this article, I’ll help you with the 20 best responses when a guy calls you sweetheart.

20 Best Responses When a Guy Calls You Sweetheart

The best responses to give a guy that calls you sweetheart would depend on your relationship with him. First, “sweetheart ” is an endearing expression that can be used with different intentions.

It can be a friendly compliment or a flirty one. Also, it can be an endearing term from a friend or a crush.

So, the way you respond to a stranger will differ from the way you respond to a friend. Also, it can depend on the occasion he made the statement and what you feel for him.

You can say, “thank you,” “aww! That’s lovely,” “you always see the best in me,” and so much more.

Here are the 20 best responses to give:

  1. Thank you. That’s sweet of you
  2. Thank you, I appreciate
  3. Awww! That’s lovely to hear
  4. Awww! That’s thoughtful of you
  5. You always see the best in me. I’m grateful
  6. I’m glad you are a friend
  7. I really needed to hear that. I had a rough day
  8. Mmmh! Where did that come from?
  9. Wow! Slow down. When did that start?
  10. Aww! Are you flattering me?
  11. That’s quite smooth, darling
  12. I love the sound of that, babe
  13. I might fall in love if you keep calling me that
  14. Wow! I’m speechless
  15. You’re too sweet
  16. Thank You
  17. You’re welcome
  18. There’s no problem
  19. Thanks. I love what I do
  20. I appreciate your kind words

Thank You. That’s Sweet of You

One of the proper responses to give to a guy that calls you sweetheart is an appreciative one. If he calls you “sweetheart” to compliment you or to make you feel good, you should appreciate him.

A very good response you can use to show your gratitude is, “thank you, that’s sweet of you.” This is a good response to use if the guy is your friend.

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It could be he sees you as a nice person and calls you “sweetheart” to compliment your personality.

So, this response will show that you’re grateful that he sees the value and kindness in you. Also, saying it’s sweet of him shows that you appreciate his thoughtfulness to compliment you.

Thank You, I Appreciate

Another appreciative reply you can give to a guy that calls you “sweetheart” is, “thank you, I appreciate.” This response is also appropriate to use with a friend who’s complimenting you.

It’ll show your appreciation for their kind words. In addition, this response is appropriate to use with a colleague or even a stranger.

It’s a straightforward reply that doesn’t show any emotions other than your appreciation. So, if the person is trying to flirt, your response will show that you’re not interested.

Awww! That’s Lovely to Hear

This is another cool response to use with a friend who’s complimenting you.  Also, if your friend calls you “sweetheart” as an endearment, you can use this reply to show your surprise and let him know you’re okay with it.

For instance, if your friend says, “sweetheart, can you pick that pen for me?”

Using “awww! That’s lovely to hear” indicates that you’re comfortable with the endearment.

Awww! That’s Thoughtful of You

Here, you’re also showing your appreciation for him complimenting you.

It only shows your gratitude and doesn’t attach any feelings. So, if the person is giving a flirty compliment, you can reply with this phrase to let him know you aren’t interested.

However, you can also be flirty with this reply, depending on your tone and body language.

You Always See the Best in Me. I’m Grateful

This is another nice response to use with a guy that calls you “sweetheart.” It’s an emotional response that shows your gratitude to a friend trying to cheer and encourage you.

If he calls you “sweetheart” to appreciate your personality or after you did something nice, you can use this statement to let him know you’re grateful.

This statement will not only appreciate the compliment but will also let him know that you value his presence in your life.

I’m Glad You Are a Friend

This is another great response to use with a guy when he calls you “sweetheart.” It’s a nice way to reply to him when he tries to encourage you with the word.

When you tell someone you’re glad to have them as a friend, they’ll feel good that you acknowledge and appreciate their friendship. So, it’s a good response that can strengthen the relationship you share.

How to Respond When a Guy Calls You Sweetheart

I Really Needed to Hear That. I Had a Rough Day  

Sometimes you can show your vulnerable side to your friends; that’s why you’ve them as friends. Friends are there to cheer us up when we’re down and to always support us.

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So, this is another good reply you can give when a guy calls you “sweetheart.” It’s appropriate to use when he tries to encourage you if he sees you’re down.

This word may just slip out when he’s cheering you up, but it’s enough to lighten you up. So, you can let him know how comforting his words are.

Mmmh! Where Did That Come From?

Now, this is a response to use when you’re surprised at the use of the word and you’re not okay with it. While some people are fond of using endearing terms even with strangers, if you’re not okay with it, you can politely let them know.

So, if a guy calls you sweetheart and you were not expecting words like that from him, you can reply by asking where it came from.

A reply like this will let him know that you’re not comfortable with his choice of words. It can work with your friends, a colleague, or an acquaintance. It’s a polite way of telling them to refrain from using such words with you.

Wow! Slow Down. When Did That Start?

This is another good response you can give when a guy calls you “sweetheart.” Here, also, you’re showing your surprise at his choice of words.

If you’re with your friend or colleague and he casually calls you “sweetheart,” it’s natural to be taken aback. So, you can give this response to show your surprise and also to let him know you’re not okay with it.

“Wow!” will express your surprise, while “slow down, when did that start?” indicates you’re uncomfortable with what he said.

How to Respond When a Guy Calls You Sweetheart

Aww! Are You Flattering Me?

Here’s an appropriate response to use if you’re crushing on him.

If he’s flirting, you can also flirt in reply to show that the feeling you share is mutual. So, a good reply is, “aww! Are you flattering me?”

“Aww! shows your pleasant surprise and makes it all the sweeter, while asking if he’s flattering you will lead him on. You can accompany this reply with a smile and flirty body language to let him know you’re interested in him.

That’s Quite Smooth, Darling

Another cool way that you can reply to your crush when he calls you “sweetheart” is by saying, “that’s quite smooth, darling.”

Here, you’re letting him know you’re very okay with the endearment, and calling him darling will show him your interest.

If he’s flirting, this response is very appropriate to flirt with in return. Using endearing terms is a very cool way to show him that the feeling is mutual.

I Love the Sound of That, Babe

Simply tell your crush that you love it when they call you “sweetheart.” A good response that’d work is, “I love the sound of that, babe.”

Using this statement will show them you are okay with their choice of words, and if they’re flirting, it’s a good way to flirt in return. Also, calling them “babe” is a nice way of responding, as they’ll know you share the same feelings.

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I Might Fall in Love if You Keep Calling Me That

This is another appropriate response to use with a crush that calls you “sweetheart.” It’s a teasing reply to give to someone who’s flirting with you.

If it’s the case that he has taken to calling you endearing terms, you can give this reply to chide him playfully while showing your interest.

So, it’s a good response that’d work with someone you’ve got an interest in. Don’t forget to give him that teasing smile while at it.

How to Respond When a Guy Calls You Sweetheart

Wow! I’m Speechless

This is another way you can reply to a guy that calls you “sweetheart.” This response is okay to use with a crush to show your surprise and ecstasy at his choice of words.

Using this reply will show that you don’t know what to say in reply. However, it’ll also show that you like the fact that he called you that.

You’re too Sweet

When your crush calls you sweetheart, tell him that he’s too sweet. Yes, he’s sweet to call you a “sweetheart.

“You’re too sweet ” is another flirty response you can use to return the same energy to someone that’s crushing on you. It’s a simple way of telling him that you share his feelings too.

Thank You

Now, this is a response that’d work for a stranger. A stranger may see your act of kindness to someone and comes over and calls you a sweetheart. Thanking him is appropriate.

Here, you’re acknowledging his compliment without attaching any feelings to it. If it’s the case that he’s trying to flirt, this response will let him know you’ve no interest.

You’re Welcome

“You’re welcome” is another fitting way of responding.

For instance, if you help someone sort out a problem, they could thank you by saying, “thanks, sweetheart,” or “thank you, you’re a sweetheart.”

So, this reply is enough to show that you acknowledge their appreciation.

There’s no Problem

Another cool response that you can give to a stranger who appreciates you by calling you a “sweetheart” is by saying, “there’s no problem.”

This response shows him that you acknowledge his gratitude and also lets him know that it isn’t a big deal. It’ll also work to dismiss him if he’s trying to flirt.

Thanks. I Love What I Do

Another cool way you can respond to a stranger who calls you “sweetheart” is, “thanks, I love what I do.”

If it’s the case that he’s appreciating your work, you can reply with this statement to appreciate him and let him know you enjoy what you do.

How to Respond When a Guy Calls You Sweetheart

I Appreciate Your Kind Words

You can also give this reply to a stranger who’s trying to cheer you up. It’s a good way to let them know that you’re appreciative of their kind gesture.

It’s a cool response that’ll also work with your friends or colleagues. So, when a guy calls you “sweetheart” when cheering you up, you can appreciate him with this statement.

End Note

When a guy calls you sweetheart, there are countless ways you can reply to either show your appreciation, show your surprise, or flirt with him.

If he’s only encouraging you or complimenting you, you can show your gratitude by saying “thank you” or using other appreciative terms.

You can add endearments and also flirt with him in return if he’s flirty. In addition, if you don’t appreciate his choice of words, you can let him know.

The above responses can be used on different occasions, so choose any of them and use them appropriately.

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