What Does It Mean if a Guy Calls You Man? 5 Possible Meanings!

You may get pissed or puzzled if a guy calls you a man, especially if you find him attractive and a suitable pick if you’re looking for a partner.

I get your pain as I have a wealth of experience from my standpoint and I can attest to how ugly it sounds for some girls when they’re called ‘man’ by guys.

It could be that the guy is just being a regular jerk and he’s letting that rub off on you.

Again, it could mean he sees you as a literal man just as he says it in his words. While any of these can be the meaning behind his choice of terms for you, there are other meanings to it and we’ll be exploring them in this article. Read on!

5 Possible Meanings If A Guy Calls You Man

Trying to piece together actions without considering the motive behind them has to be foul play in the thought process. This is true for trying to fathom the need for a guy calling you ‘man’ without examining the possible meanings or intents behind his utterances.

In this part of the article, we’ll be considering plausible 5 meanings to what it means if a guy calls you ‘man’. These meanings include:

  • It means he feels comfortable around you just like being with the other guys
  • It could be he’s subtly shading your physique
  • It means he doesn’t find you attractive
  • It could be he’s consciously pissing you off
  • He probably thinks you’re cool and fun to be with

It means he feels comfortable around you just like being with the other guys

Comfortability is a viable reason why a guy would call you a man. This is so because guys only show special treatment to those they feel relaxed around.

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Perhaps, he sees you in a light where you don’t necessarily not attractive to him but he just doesn’t want to see you from that angle.

If the guy in question likes being around you just as much as he likes being around other boys without considering strong emotional affinity, it makes for a good reason why he would call you ‘man’.

These days, the use of dude, man, homie, and other street slang interchangeably across different genders says a lot about what could be in the mind of any guy who calls you man.

It could be he’s subtly shading your physique

If you look a tad muscular, it could be the reason why a guy would call you a man. Here, he’s just saying that to your physique only.

You may sound feminine and act the part too, but if your physique betrays that cause then it makes for a possible reason why he would call you man.

Interestingly, the guy could be doing this as a way of shading you or making you feel less of yourself regarding how you look.

To this effect, calling you a ‘man’ becomes his tool in repressing you for how you look and can even be considered an insult in the long run.

It means he doesn’t find you attractive

Most guys are reputable for showering their women with praise and making them feel like the queen they are. In a case where a guy diverges from this line of action, there’s a chance he doesn’t find the attractive.

This would be the case with you if a guy calls you ‘man’ as you don’t need a soothsayer to help you discover that he doesn’t find you attractive enough to roll with you or even appraise you with alluring words or terms.

I have a friend of mine who is fond of this, and he usually starts doing it if he finds out that getting to you as a girl would be difficult.

Therefore to save himself from feeling dejected he switches from calling you sweet names to calling the girl awkward names like bro, manny, homie, and the rest.

At that point, he is 0%  attracted to the girl. In that regard, we can see meaning and reason in the guy’s choice of diction while addressing you.

It could be he’s consciously pissing you off

What Does It Mean if a Guy Calls You Man

This is yet another agreeable point to consider when a guy calls you a man. Here, we can deduce that he is just being a jerk and he’s looking for avenues to launch his petty jokes and make fun of you for it.

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The guy is hellbent on making sure you get pissed off to the extent you feel your skin crawling.

You can draw this conclusion as a plausible meaning as to why he’d call you ‘man’ if he usually has this sinister-looking grin on his face whenever he calls you ‘man’ and if his tone sounds condescending too, it could be pointing in the direction of this meaning.

He probably thinks you’re cool and fun to be with

Just like in the first meaning this post features, this meaning addresses the fact that the guy could call you ‘man’ if he thinks you’re cool and fun to be with.

If he sees you as someone to whom he can entrust his happiness without any emotional attachments just like he does with his fellow guys then it can make up for a possible meaning that we can read into the situation if a guy calls you ‘man’.

What to Do If A Guy Calls You Man?

It is normal for you to want to know the best of actions to take if a guy calls you a man. This is because as irritating as it sounds, it could also be an opportunity for you to find out for a fact the guy’s true intentions.

This is because your actions could trigger reactions from him that speak volumes of why he called you that in the first place.

Let’s take a quick view of the highlight of things to do if a guy calls you a man.

  • You have to take things lightly and not the other way around
  • If you don’t like it, calmly and intentionally explain that to him
  • Get yourself armed with comebacks
  • If you don’t have an issue with that, reply with cool remarks too
  • Take it as a compliment and be thankful

You have to take things lightly and not the other way around

If a guy calls you a man, you have to ignore the stupidity in their choice of words and see things lightly. Considering it as a heavy insult can prompt an exchange of verbal fouling between you two which I don’t advocate.

One way to achieve this is by acting ignorant about the issue and even taking your leave before things escalate.

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If you don’t like it, calmly and intentionally explain that to him

There’s a possibility you won’t like it when a guy calls you a man. If that is the case, you don’t have to get all violent about it as you can calmly resolve the issue with him without inciting violence or an ugly exchange of words.

To do this, you have to do that quietly and intentionally…explain to him why you don’t feel comfortable being referred to as a man.

You can even give him alternatives, just so he can see reason with you why you don’t want to have him call you man.

Get yourself armed with comebacks

What Does It Mean if a Guy Calls You Man

If the guy’s intention for calling you man is to piss you off, you should also guard up yourself with laudable comebacks against him.

This you can do by weighing his flaws and finding out savage ways to talk back at him. Some of the comebacks you can employ include:

  • ‘Wow, funny how you know I’m a man and you’re not’
  • ‘Can you stop emasculating yourself right now? You sound more girlish than my home girls’
  • ‘Seems like you’re ready to switch genders with me since you now see me as a man. I bet someone thinks you’re a woman right now’

The above-stated comebacks are enough to wad him off with his bad energy and intentions if you apply them correctly without batting an eye.

If you don’t have an issue with that, reply with cool remarks too

Interestingly, not every girl would find it awful for a guy to call them a man. If you fall in that category, you should find cool remarks to answer the guy with. Such things as saying:

  • ‘Ohh, my brother…how’re you doing?’
  • ‘There goes my gee, what’s up?’
  • ‘My homie, you look dang’…etc

Take it as a compliment and be thankful

In another line of reasoning, a guy could call you ‘man’ about the manly qualities you portray like bravery and resilience.

If this is to be the case, you should see it as a compliment and not a derogatory term. When you do, you should welcome it and be thankful to the guy for noticing such qualities and acknowledging them in the same vein. You can say:

  • ‘Thanks for your warm remark’
  • ‘I appreciate the love’
  • ‘I will keep making you proud, bless’

Wrap Up

As a feminine woman with all your beauty and wits, it sounds absurd for a guy to you ‘man’. However, you’ll be at risk of assuming unbecoming things if you’re not rightly informed which is where this article comes in.

In the course of this post, we’ve been able to dissect and discuss the possible meanings which we can read into the situation if a guy calls you man.

In reaction to that, I also walked you through ideal actions to take and responses to offer if you find yourself in a circumstance where a guy calls you a ‘man’.

I know this post serves its purpose right and I’m confident you found it insightful as I did.

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