What to Do if Someone Flips You Off (10 Things We Know!)

Have you ever been flipped off by someone? This gesture can be very annoying, especially if you’ve no idea what you did to deserve the middle finger.

When this happens, it’s natural for your reaction to be, “flipping them off” as well. However, what if you’re on the wrong side? Or are there other ways to express your annoyance?

Someone may flip you off in public or in front of your kids; in this case, you may want to refrain from doing the same thing. So what other ways can you react?

If you’ve no idea, worry less, in this post, I’ll give you 10 things you can do when someone flips you off.

10 Things You Can Do if Someone Flips You Off

If someone flips you off, there’s no limit to what you can do. Usually, people flip off someone to show their annoyance.

So, if someone flips you off, it may be because you did something to annoy them. So, your reaction can depend on who’s at fault, your location, and the audience around you.

Depending on the situation, you can do any of the things below:

  1. Smile at them
  2. Laugh at them
  3. Wave at them
  4. Say a “Thank you.”
  5. Blow them a kiss
  6. Apologize
  7. Return the gesture
  8. Ignore them
  9. Ask them what you did
  10. Tell them, “and you too”

Smile at Them

When someone flips you off, one of the things you can do is smile at them. A smile shows you’re happy with someone.

So, if someone does something that naturally should be annoying, you can smile at them instead. Smiling at an action that should piss you off is a cool way to stay away from more trouble.

It doesn’t mean you’re a coward or don’t know what you want, sometimes it’s important to stay out of trouble when you can.

Moreover, a smile may take the person unaware because you gave them what they were not expecting. This action is appropriate when you aren’t sure what you did to provoke them.

Also, you should do this when you’re in public where you can’t invite more trouble or if you’ve children with you. For instance, if someone flips you off in traffic, you can smile at them.

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In addition, smiling at them also shows you don’t care what their anger is about, which can be annoying for them.

Laugh at Them

Another thing you can do when someone flips you off is to take them completely aback. Laughing at them is something that should work.

This is an action that should put them off with annoyance. You can carry out this action almost anywhere where you’re sure a little noise is allowed.

Also, you should do this when you did nothing to the person or you aren’t sure why they’re pissed.

For instance, if you’re on the field and your opponent tries to get the ball from you and fails, if he shows you the middle finger, you could laugh at him.

Naturally, this would anger him more and it would be a double-win for you. So, this would be cool in a situation when the person is frustrated over something and taking it on you.

However, you should be careful about the kind of person you do this to. Someone who has anger issues may be provoked into becoming violent.

What to Do if Someone Flips You Off

Wave at Them

When someone flips you off, another thing you can do is wave at them. Now, this is something you should do when they’re a good distance from you.

Waving at someone who expects a different reaction from you would take them by surprise. So, if someone flips you off in public, wave at them and go your way.

Moreover, waving at them shows you don’t care about what pissed them off, which can get them more annoyed.

Also, it can shift the attention back to the person, which would make them feel embarrassed instead.

So, this is appropriate to do when you aren’t at fault, or they’re only angry about something that’s of no concern to you.

Maybe in the traffic, if a fellow motorist gets frustrated because you waited for the traffic light to turn green, you can wave at them if they flip you off.

What to Do if Someone Flips You Off

Say “Thank You.”

“Thank you” is a word of gratitude for someone who does something good for you. So, when someone flips you off out of the blue, thank them and watch them feel the shame.

When you do this, it would surprise them because they weren’t expecting that reaction from you. Moreover, it could avert more problems that could arise if you had reacted otherwise.

Saying, “thank you” when someone flips you off is appropriate to avoid the exchange of words in public and also when you’ve children with you.

In addition, it shows your disinterest in whatever they do, which can work them up more.

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Blow Them a Kiss

When someone flips you off, blow them a kiss for a show. This is an action that will irk them more and satisfy you.

This action is proper when you aren’t at fault or have no idea what’s making them angry. When you blow someone who flips you off a kiss, you’re also passing a message to them.

In this case, you’re letting them know it was a very unnecessary action and you can always be the better person, which they can be too.

Also, if you’re in the public, this action will shift attention back to the person, and they should feel the reaction they wanted you to feel.

Apologize to Them

One of the proper things to do when someone flips you off is to apologize to them. Now, apologizing is proper when you’re at fault. This can happen anywhere.

Maybe you’re on the road driving and you switch lanes without warning, it can get anyone angry who may flip you off for emphasis.

Perhaps, instead of kicking a ball, you kicked someone’s leg, and they may flip you off in anger, so you should apologize.

Again, this is not the time to smile or blow a kiss, or laugh, you should take responsibility for your actions. So, apologizing is appropriate if someone flips you off over something that’s your fault.

Below are ways you can apologize:

I’m Sorry About That

One of the ways to apologize when someone flips you off when you’re at fault is to come out straight with sorry.

Saying sorry can dissipate their anger quickly and prevent further escalation and can also make you feel better. So, you should be quick to say sorry when you’re at fault.

Oh! My Bad. My Apologies

Another way you can tender an apology is with this statement, “oh! My bad. My apologies.” This statement will work in showing your regret.

Also, “my bad” shows the action wasn’t intentional and that you acknowledge your fault, which can make them feel less angry.

Return the Gesture

Another thing you can do when someone flips you off is to return the gesture. This is something you can do when you want to have fun.

Flipping off someone who flips you off will only make them more annoyed and frustrated. Moreover, you could use your two hands to add more style and fun.

However, you should do this when you aren’t the cause of their anger. Showing them your middle finger too would show them you too can play.

Conversely, you shouldn’t do this in front of a child or if you know the person lacks self-control and may strike at you.

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What to Do if Someone Flips You Off

Ignore Them

Another thing you can do when someone flips you off is to ignore them. Ignoring someone who does something annoying is a nice way to avoid more trouble.

If someone flips you off when you’re completely oblivious to what you did, simply ignore them and mind your business. It’s possible they were acting childish or looking for attention.

So, don’t give them what they want. Instead, give them the silent treatment that should annoy them the more. Also, ignoring someone is something you should do when you’re not in the right place for a quarrel.

Ask Them What You Did

Another thing you can do when someone flips you off is to ask them what you did to deserve that. You should ask this when you’re not sure what caused their action.

Asking them what you did can help you know if you should apologize or not. Below are ways you can ask someone who flips you off, what you did:

Hey! What’s That For?

“Hey! What’s that for?” is an expression that goes straight to the point and you may likely get an answer or not, depending on the mood of the person. Never mind, if you don’t.

What to Do if Someone Flips You Off

Come on, What Did I Do?

Another way you can ask someone what you did to deserve the middle finger is by saying, “come on, what did I do?”

This expression shows some concern, that you’re probably worried that you did something to them, but you don’t know what you did.

You may likely not get a response, it shouldn’t bother you if you don’t; you at least showed concern.

Tell Them, “And You Too”

One of the things you can do when someone shows you the middle finger is to wish them the same thing.

This is a funny response that would spark reactions from others, which would turn the embarrassment on them.

For instance, if a motorist gives you the middle finger, scream, “and you too” as a funny comeback. They should lack what to do next or say. Also, you can do this in any public place for a good laugh.

However, you shouldn’t do it when you’re at fault.


When someone flips you off, it’s to show their anger or frustration over what you did or something that’s entirely not your fault.

When this happens, your reaction would depend on where you are at the moment, who’s with you, or whether you’re at fault.

You could do something that would take them aback, like: wave at them, smile, or laugh at them. Also, you can always ask if you don’t know what caused their anger.

In addition, you shouldn’t repeat the same in front of a child and you should be quick to apologize if you’re at fault.

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